Volume 1, Issue 2.5!

News Flash!

The Kings Mitten Men were sent out as spies (Not by the king of course.... (hehe) and they reported startling news! While during lunch, these spies reported different reactions of the princess and the jester. While reading the second issue, (containing information on their relationship), Sara’s reaction was more of hmmmm, how should we say (quieted?) chuckle? While the Jesters reaction was more of a demand of it to be removed. This is further evidence that the Jester and Princesses relationship exists. A special note to the Princess ad the Jester: Mitten are WATCHING YOU NOW! They will be reporting back to the hideous monkey man (mitten man leader) about your reactions to this e-mail! Buhaaaa (Dillion, its not pronounced Bu-ha!). So those little blue things with orange mittens are not to be killed or taken apart! Doing so will land you in the royal kingdom jail. Buhaaa! This Issue was sponsored by adopt-a-teacher (Sir. K)